Hotel Info and Reservations


Holiday Inn

DemiCon 25 is held at:

Holiday Inn Northwest

4800 Merle Hay Road

Des Moines, Iowa  50322

HOTEL ALMOST FULL. Room block is opened until it is full. only 8-ish rooms left!

To take advantage of the special rates for the convention's room block, use the code D25.  Phone the hotel's reservation desk directly at 515-278-4755.  Please use this direct phone line to the hotel, because Holiday Inn's 800 number does not successfully place you in the room block with the discount.

DemiCon 25 takes place Friday through Sunday, May 2 - 4, 2014.

A group room block with special rates has been reserved for DemiCon. When you book your room, make sure to ask for the DemiCon room block to get the special rate. 

The front of the hotel is hard to see from the Merle Hay Road. Look for the Bennigan's restaurant. The hotel is located directly to the west (behind) the restaurant. To reach the front door, drive past Bennigan's on the north side (right side if looking at it from Merle Hay Road).

The hotel does allow animals on 1st floor only. They cannot be taken up to other levels.

At this time, the pool area is open 5 a.m. to midnight.  

Phone for front desk:Holiday Inn Hotel from the Road 1-515-278-4755
Website for Holiday Inn Northwest
Group Code: D25
Use this code to receive the hotel's special rate for DemiCon's room block.

The DemiCon Room Block's special rate expires April 1, 2014.


DemiCon 25 Registration


DemiCon is a weekend convention that you register to attend. We encourage you to register prior to the con for your convenience and ease, and one way to accomplish this is by registering on-line here. We call this "preregistering." The lines to acquire your badge, which is your key to attend DemiCon, run considerably faster for those who have registered prior to the con. 

If you forget to preregister, you must register at the door.  We have weekend rates for adults and children. We understand that you may only be able to attend DemiCon for one day, so at the convention, we offer single-day rates, as well as Explorer Passes and Explorer Plus Passes, and those work as follows:

  • A one-day badge allows you access to everything at DemiCon until midnight of that day. This includes 5th floor, which is the hospitality suite, certain panels, and room parties during the night time.
  • The Explorer Pass allows you access only to the basement and ground levels of DemiCon for one day, ending at midnight of that day. Much of DemiCon's programming, including all Music and Gaming programming, is held on these two levels of the hotel. Explorer Passes are not permitted on the 5th floor. You are only allowed one Explorer Pass for the weekend, but you can upgrade to a different membership.
  • Explorer Plus Pass allows you access to the basement and ground-level events for the entire weekend, but not the 5th floor.  


To learn more about registration, check out our FAQ and Convention Registration.


Use the "Registration" drop-down menu at the top of this page to learn about registering for specific areas within the convention, such as becoming a vendor in our Dealer Room or signing up for a gaming tournament.



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