DemiCon 22: Here Be Dragons!
Registration for Gaming
DemiCon will feature scheduled and open gaming events and the gaming room will be available throughout the entire convention.

We are looking for Game Masters to run games at the convention. If you'd like to schedule a game for convention attendees, please contact us at gaming(at) and be sure to include the system, number of players, and the skill level needed.

DemiCon will also feature a short Live Action Role Playing event this year! The LARP will run in a single 4 hour slot so you don't need to be in character while sitting in programming events or trying sing a filk song. More details to come but think Steampunk with Dragons!

Registration for Gaming

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DemiCon - Des Moines' Annual Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention
Hosted by DMSFS - Des Moines Science Fiction Society, Ltd.
Held at Holiday Inn Northwest, 4800 Merle Hay Road, Des Moines, IA

Artwork used with permission from Sarah Clemens and Heather McBride.
© 2011 - DMSFS. All Rights Reserved.

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