DemiCon XV was wonderful
For information on the current DemiCon, please visit

Art Show - Art Show Forms

These forms are required for you to enter your work in the Art Show. If you are planning to send mail-in art, you must fill out the forms as described below. If you are planning to bring the artwork with you, please have the forms already filled out, so that your artwork may be processed as efficiently as possible.

Quick Picks
Display Art Control Sheet
Print Shop Control Sheet
Bid Sheets

  • Controlling and tracking submissions and sales can be complicated. We receive over 600 individual pieces of art each year, so your careful attention to paperwork procedures will allow us to quickly and accurately return your work and render payment.
  • To expedite print sales (in both print shop and Main Display area), please make sure that each individual print has a legible price and the artists' name affixed to it.
  • The Display Art Control Sheet is used to list all items submitted to the Main Display area. The first column of this form is where each piece gets assigned its piece number, which is then used on the Bid Sheet Form.
  • The Print Shop Control Sheet is used to list items submitted for the Print Shop.
  • Bid Sheets, delivered 6 to a page, should be cut apart, filled out for each individual piece and attached to each individual work submitted to the Main Display area. We recommend attaching the bid sheet to the back of the piece along the bottom so that it is visible from the front of the piece.
  • All prices must be listed in whole-dollar increments; items priced otherwise will be rounded up to the nearest dollar.
  • Do not enter anything in the first half of the control number space of the bid sheets (the area that looks like this: (___ - ___)). When we receive your work, we will assign you an artist number, and will enter that number into the first blank for you. The second blank is for the piece number from the control sheet. For example, the control area for your 2nd piece (as listed on the Display Art control sheet) would look like (___ - _2_).
  • On a Main Display area piece, you may mark NQS in the quick sale blank and if the piece has no bidders prior to the auction, it will not be sold and it will be returned to the artist.
  • If you submit a piece to the Main Display area that is not for sale, please mark "NFS" in the "minimum bid" and quick sale blanks, and draw a line through the bid list (see illustration).
  • If you are submitting one copy of a Print Shop print to the Main Display area, mark the piece's Print Shop price in both the "minimum bid" and quick sale blanks, and write "Copies available in the Print Shop" across the bidding list (see illustration).

The following graphic illustrates how to fill out the bid sheet for each piece.
How to Fill out the Bid Sheet

DemiCon XV
April 30 and
May 1-2, 2004
Des Moines

How it works
How to enter

During the convention, this was a form allowing you to contact the appropriate department head.
If you wish to contact the Des Moines Science Fiction Society, please email
Copyright 2003, 2004 Des Moines Science Fiction Society LTD.
Certain images used with permission of Alan Gutierrez
For more information, email