Guest of Honor David Pancake

David Pancake is a sculptor of fantasy art. David’s creations represent a vast and unique repertoire of his personal interests. Not limiting himself to one genre, he pursues a variety of subject matter which includes a series of risqué angels, dragons, comic book heroes, nudes, abstracts, and horror figurines.

David is fascinated with the sensual beauty of the human form, which is quite evident in his risqué angel sculptures. He states: “I love detail and texture and angels and dragons allows me to create whimsical creatures that display a wide variety of complex textures that feel sensual to the touch.” David’s work captures a flight of fancy, freezes the imagination’s most soaring dream, and brings it to terra firma for our pleasure and admiration.

David Pancake’s fantasy art creations are sought by international collectors and his beautiful sculptures are gracing homes all over the USA as well as Europe. David has been sculpting for 20 years, bringing to life dragons, angels and heroes.