Art courtesty of our Artist Guest of Honor Sara Butcher

Artwork by Sara Butcher, our Artist Guest of Honor

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DemiCon 20
“All My Cons Remembered”
May 1-3, 2009

Author Guest of Honor:
Joe Haldeman
Artist Guest of Honor:
Sara Butcher

Fan Guest of Honor:
Roger Tener

Ghost of Honor:
Gene Roddenberry

Toastmaster Emeritus:
Rusty Hevelin

Tadao Tomomatsu

Latest DemiCon Updates   

  • 2009.04.28 - DemiCon T-Shirt Sneak Preview!
    Here is a sneak preview of the beautiful DemiCon 20 T-Shirt you will be able to buy in the Dealer's Room!  NEW!

  • 2009.04.24 - Watch for DemiCon 20 commercials running on Sci Fi Channel!
    Running only in the Des Moines, Ames and Marshalltown area on MediaCom cable.
    Running 4pm-midnight (4 commercials each day on 4/24-4/26)
    Or watch it on the DemiCon Facebook Page!
    (you don't need to belong to Facebook to visit the DemiCon page)
    Be sure to scroll down to see the link. The commercial is 30 seconds long.  NEW!

  • 2009.04.23 - Volunteers are desperately needed!
    Please refer to this page to see the volunteer schedule and jobs. Please send us an e-mail specifying the positions, days and time brackets you're willing to help out. Volunteers help make our convention go - ANYONE can volunteer and EVERYONE is needed. There's something for everyone.  NEW!

  • 2009.04.09 - Programming schedule now available
    The Programming schedule and a rough draft of the program descriptions from the program book is now available on the programming page!

  • 2009.04.05 - Fhannish Film Festival Entry Submission Deadline Passes
    The deadline of April 1 has passed for submitting entries to the Fhannish Film Festival. We received at least two entries, so there will be a Fhannish Film Festival this year!

  • 2009.04.05 - Animé Schedule posted
    We've received and posted the schedule for the Animé room video presentations.

  • 2009.04.02 - Build-A-Blinkie Workshop Details announced
    Last year's Build-A-Blinkie Workshop was a big hit, so we're doing it again this year.

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