
IMPORTANT: Volunteers are desperately needed! Please refer to this page to see the volunteer schedule and jobs. Please send us an e-mail specifying the positions, days and time brackets you're willing to help out. Volunteers help make our convention go - ANYONE can volunteer and EVERYONE is needed. There's something for everyone.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at DemiCon! Volunteers are what makes our convention work. As a fan-run convention we do not pay our staff, so all of us from ConCom to Department Heads to Badgers are volunteers. There is no financial compensation for volunteering. We all pay our own way- even the ConCom- but there are many benefits to volunteering:

  • Access to the Gopher Hole

  • Learning more about running conventions

  • Making New Friends

  • Knowing you helped to make DemiCon possible

  • Being "in the know" about what's happening at DemiCon this year

  • Your school, scout troop, or other social organization may accept volunteer hours at DemiCon

  • Demonstrating that you're sexy by your selfless devotion to duty -- works almost as well as wandering around with a baby or a puppy!

We need volunteers in the ConSuite, in the Art Show and Art Auction, at the Masquerade, at Registration, in the Dealer's room and other various and sundry places in the convention. We need volunteers before, during and after the convention.

You may email the Volunteer Department Head to volunteer for a time slot.