WHAT: Please join us for one day of trading, swap and garage sale at our DemiCon Lite Bizarre Bazaar! This is a MULTIPLE FAMILY FHANNISH GARGAE SALE! Many of us live in areas where it isn’t possible to have a garage sale, or don’t have enough things to warrant having one. So we have decided to have one for all of us in one handy location! There will be books, sci-fi nick-knacks, jewelry, steampunk, costumes and the list goes on and on. This is a private garage sale event for DemiCon members, friends and family. There is no fee to attend. Each table is responsible for its own trading and it’s method of trade, swap or payment.
WHEN: Sunday, July 9 from 10:00am to 5:00pm
WHERE: Holiday Inn Norwthwest, 4800 Merle Hay Rd, Urbandale, IA 50322