General Masquerade Information
General information and instructions
The Formal Masquerade is scheduled to take place on Saturday May 3, 2003.
Contestants must arrive in the green room no later than 8:30 PM (20:30). The actual
Masquerade begins at 9:00 PM (21:00).
There are two categories for competition and one for display.
Apprentice - costume designed and executed primarily by someone under 13 years of age on the event date of May 3, 2003
Artisan - costume designed and executed by someone 13 years of age or above on the event date of May 3, 2003.
Exhibition - costume worn for display and/or non -competitive purposes.
- Complete all entry forms and paper work after arriving at the convention and sign up for a presentation walk.
Turn all paperwork in to the Masquerade Coordinator at the registration table no later than 1:00 PM (13:00) Saturday May 3.
The Masquerade coordinator will be available during posted hours at the convention for questions
and for you to sign up for your presentation walk.
- Attend the Masquerade Meeting at 2:00 PM (14:00) Saturday in the Grand Ballroom.
Please be on time for your scheduled presentation walk. Bring music and all props. Wear the footwear you plan to use on stage.
- Any and all prizes, ribbons and awards are at the sole discretion of the Judges.
Notable Links:
DemiCon 14
May 2, 3, & 4, 2003
Hotel Fort Des Moines