DemiCon 14 was wonderful For information on the current DemiCon, please visit |
DemiCon 14 This year DemiCon is proud to bring you another all-star production of "Who's who in SciFi". Starring Octavia E. Butler as the writer guest of honor, Lubov as the artist guest of honor, Lynda Sherman as the fan guest of honor, and Rusty Hevelin as the beloved toastmaster. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wonder where you left your room key! Fun will be yours for the taking. Register now!
DemiCon will have numerous planned activities to keep you interested, as well
as the usual unplanned social activities. Put simply, the con is a place where
you can see old friends, meet new ones, and pursue your interests while in a
relaxing and comfortable atmosphere. DemiCon is more than just a science
fiction convention. Sure, most of us tend to like science fiction, fantasy,
and speculative fiction, but a convention is about people, not just the genre.
Science fiction conventions tend to be one of the most accepting places on the
planet, (ok, this planet.) and are a great place to spend a weekend. This year we offer:
Notable Links:
DemiCon 14 May 2, 3, & 4, 2003 Hotel Fort Des Moines |