Host a Room Party

If you or your organization is interested in hosting a room party on Friday, Saturday, or both nights of the convention please review our Drinking Policy and the below guidelines.

All room parties must be registered and will be placed on the 5th floor of the hotel.

No parties are permitted anywhere outside the 5th floor.

Host a Room Party


The legal drinking age in Iowa is 21.   This means that your birthday must be on or before May 1, 1999, in order for you to consume alcohol.  Minors caught with alcohol or adults caught serving alcohol to minors need to be aware of the consequences of their actions.  Please drink responsibly and act accordingly.

When posting signage for your party please use blue painters tape and be mindful not to damage the room or its contents.

If you have any issues, questions or concerns during your party, look for the roaming Rangers (identified by the bright yellow/green vests) or the Room Party Department Head.

Please post or otherwise provide information regarding potential allergy issues (nuts, etc.).