We would like to welcome our guests to DemiCon 20.
Hugo and Nebula award-winning author Joe Haldeman.
will once again be our Author Guest of Honor!
Joe was Author GoH at DemiCon 2
and Joe's wife Gay was our Fan Guest of Honor at DC2. Gay is a regular and welcome guest at most DemiCons.
Both are occasional TICC performers as well. Ironically the DemiCon 2 TICC performance of
"The Haunting of Haldeman House"
they performed in was set in the future...at DemiCon 20! TICC also performed shows based on several of Joe's stories at
World Horror Con 2003
We also welcome Sara Butcher as our Artist Guest of Honor.
Sara Butcher's work comes mostly from self-motivation to learn the human figure. The daughter of an art teacher and a
crafter creative, her interest in art began at an early age. Finding strength and inspiration in the spirituality of
Christianity, her work has become all encompassing for love, peace, harmony, and honor. One of our local artists, Sara
teaches art to children and teenagers at the Des Moines Art Center.
Toastmaster Emeritus: Rusty Hevelin is a founding member of DemiCon
and is a favorite with con-attendees across the nation. To us, he is just the greatest guy alive.
As Toastmaster and Comedy Relief we have invited our Hero (and guest star on "Heroes") -
Tadao Tomomatsu.
We also have usually have many other fascinating guests attending DemiCon
and participating in panels and workshops.