
Arrgh, Mateys! The ConSuite is the place to drop anchor and rest yer bones a bit. Enjoy a fine potable or a tasty treat. The tavern-keepers have scoured the seven seas for exotic tidbits and the finest grog to warm the cockles of any seadog’s heart.

Expect to see such delicacies as fresh-popped popcorn; sweet, savory, and salty snacks; fruit (to stave off scurvy) and veggie trays. In the mornings, we’ll serve up our life-giving chicken noodle soup, t’cure what ails ya. Other victuals may show up from time to time, depending on what’s washed up on shore.

No pirate tavern worth it’s sea-salt would be without drinkables. We’ll have a selection of beverages suitable for all ages, from the most lily-livered landlubbers to the stoutest pirates amongst us.

If you’ve got any notions or suggestions, send ‘em our way. We don’t promise to act on ‘em, but we’ll give ‘em our consideration. (You can send a message-in-a-bottle to

Be a ConSuite Collaborator

If you’ve taken a rich prize lately, and ya feel like sharin’ your booty with the rest of the fleet, be a ConSuite Collaborator! Drop off yer pieces o’ eight, dubloons, or other treasure (we take checks, too!) We’ll put ‘em too good use providin’ a more bountiful spread. We’ll let the rest of the crew know so they can sing your praises. Or we could give you a nifty sponsor ribbon for your badge.

Clerk’s Note:

Monetary donations can be sent to us at the address below. And thank you so very much.

c/o ConSuite Sponsorship
PO Box 7572
Des Moines, IA 50322-7572