DemiCon 17: July 28-30, 2006
Filk is the music of science fiction, fantasy, and other genres. Filk songs can be about any subject you could imagine. They can be song parodies (new and usually humorous words that are sung to old tunes; think Weird Al Yankovic or Alan Sherman), but they can also be original tunes and lyrics. Filk songs can tell stories, and they can be funny, sad or completely nonsensical.
Traditional Irish, pub songs or other modern favorites also pop up frequently at filk sings. The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) has many songs about history, real and imagined, as well as those about their own kingdoms and cultures.
Since DemiCon 1, there has been filking. Some of the scheduled events this year are the 7th Annual Instant Filk, Family Filk and Filk After Dark. This year we will again have filk panels followed by filking until either the sun comes up or we fall down. So bring your musical instruments, your voice, your songbooks, and your sense of fun. And we'll see you at DemiCon!