Grand Ballroom Wedgwood Room Capital Room Board Room (305) Room 307 Room 306 Room 316 Room 317 Music Room (302) Youth Room (322) Mezzanine
08:00 Cartoons and Cereal
Child Oriented
09:00 Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere
Child Oriented
10:00 Iowa Fandom
Recommended for new attendees
What Happens After the Story is Written
Anime Customs Explained
Guest of honor present Youth Oriented
Coffee Talk with Emma
Guest of honor present
Coffee Talk with Will
Guest of honor present
10:30 Coffee Talk with Emma and Will
Guest of honor present
Coffee Talk with Emma and Will
Guest of honor present
11:00 Storytelling 101
Guest of honor present
How to Enjoy Your First Convention
Recommended for new attendees Guest of honor present
Webpage Roundtable
Costume Con 24
11:30 Closed for Setup
12:00 Sword Fighting Demo
Getting Started as a Convention Artist
Reading by Tamara Siler Jones
Tarot XTreme
12:30 Performance: ATROPHY
13:00 Reading by Emma Bull
Guest of honor present
Neglected Authors: Recommendations of Older, and/or Lesser-known Authors You Might Want to Look Out for
Recommended for new attendees Guest of honor present
Paint Your Own Anime Cels
Child Oriented Youth Oriented
Humor in Music
Costume Pattern Manipulation
13:30 Will Shetterly Reading
Guest of honor present
14:00 Masquerade Meeting
Hard Science
Reading and Music by Adam Stemple & Trevor Hartman
Performance: Riverfolk
Youth Oriented
Signing by Emma & Will
Guest of honor present
14:30 Tech Rehearsal for Masquerade
Kids and Science
Child Oriented
15:00 Drums: The Culture Connection
Writer's Workshop
The Art of Film Preservation
Dance Dance Revolution Tourney
Performance: Flatland Ramblers
Youth Talk with Alan
Guest of honor present Youth Oriented
Life Size Kill Doctor Lucky
Child Oriented Recommended for new attendees Youth Oriented
16:00 Chat with the Guests of Honor
Recommended for new attendees Guest of honor present
Performance: Knotty Dog
16:30 Artists, Body Paint and the Winner, Oh My!
17:00 Closed for Masquerade Set Up
Room Closed For Art Auction Setup
Make Up Workshop/Demo
Performance: Mother Beat
18:00 Closed for Unsetup
18:30 Art Auction
Closed: Rehersal
19:00 LARP - Live Action Role Playing
LARP - Live Action Role Playing
19:30 Masquerade
Child Oriented Recommended for new attendees Youth Oriented
21:00 Pitfalls For The Aspiring Author
Truth or Tale: How to Run a Convention
Youth DDR Time
Youth Oriented
21:30 Amalgam Concert
Recommended for new attendees Guest of honor present Youth Oriented
22:00 So You Want to Learn How to Improv
Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry
23:00 Tarot After Dark
Adult Audience
Dr. Who is Back, And It's About Time!
23:30 TICC Cast Warm Up
00:30 TICC After Dark III-Moulin Smooth
Adult Audience
01:30 Drum Jam
Open Filk
Open Filk
Open Music Circle

LARP - Live Action Role Playing (in Room 307 from Saturday 19:00 to Sunday 07:00)
Format: Contest
Track: Gaming
Description: Vampires and other mean nasty things of the night headquarters. Josh Parrish

Sword Fighting Demo (in Wedgwood Room from Saturday 12:00 to Saturday 13:00)
Format: Demonstration
Track: Media
Description: Aspects of sword fighting and stage fighting. Jaime Adams, Bill Griffy, Bo3b Harper, Les Roth, Tadao Tomomatsu

Paint Your Own Anime Cels (in Board Room (305) from Saturday 13:00 to Saturday 14:30)
Child Oriented Child Oriented
Youth Oriented Youth Oriented
Format: Workshop
Track: Art
Description: Join Nikki Harper in this workshop, learn how to paint your own anime cel. Class limited to 10 people. Sign up on Friday of the convention at the Volunteer Table. Nikki Harper

Hard Science (in Capital Room from Saturday 14:00 to Saturday 15:00)
Format: Discussion
Track: Science
Description: Join in a discussion on the hardest science subjects. Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Gravity, and other fun stuff. See how your brain ranks with those other geniuses. John Garner

Closed for Unsetup (in Music Room (302) from Saturday 18:00 to Saturday 18:30)
Format: Closed
Track: Music

Art Auction (in Capital Room from Saturday 18:30 to Saturday 20:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Art
Description: You want art, we have it, come and bid. Auctioneers: Mike Cole, Charles Piehl, Tadao Tomomatsu

Closed: Rehersal (in Music Room (302) from Saturday 18:30 to Saturday 21:30)
Format: Closed
Track: Music

Costume Con 24 (in Room 317 from Saturday 11:00 to Saturday 12:00)
Format: Discussion
Track: Costuming
Description: If you haven't heard, Des Moines is hosting Costume Con 24 in 2006. Hear the latest news and ask your questions. Sallie Abba, Pierre & Sandy Pettinger, Charles Piehl, Les Roth

Chat with the Guests of Honor (in Capital Room from Saturday 16:00 to Saturday 17:00)
Recommended for new attendees Recommended for new attendees
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Panel
Track: Literary
Description: This panel is lead by our Toastmaster, Tadao, as he asks questions of our Guests of Honor. Emma Bull, Alan Gutierrez, Rusty Hevelin,Will Shetterly, Tadao Tomomatsu

Origami (in Youth Room (322) from Saturday 14:00 to Saturday 15:00)
Youth Oriented Youth Oriented
Format: Panel
Track: Art
Description: For Youth Only: Learn how to do this ancient Janpanese paper folding art form. Lynda Sherman's magical fingers will teach you how to do the folding. Lynda Sherman

Open Music Circle (in Music Room (302) from Sunday 01:30 to Sunday 04:30)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: Join in our music circle. All musicians of all styles are welcome to join. Pick, pass, or play (list just listen).

Tarot XTreme (in Room 316 from Saturday 12:00 to Saturday 13:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Media
Description: Interest in tarot continues to grow worldwide, but the subject matter is beginning to go through new evolutionary changes. How far can we push these concepts and still have what's known as 'tarot'? A look at what's new and different and... weird... in the field. Includes slide show. Jeannette Roth

Costume Pattern Manipulation (in Room 317 from Saturday 13:00 to Saturday 14:30)
Format: Demonstration
Track: Costuming
Description: You have a wonderful idea for a costume and have found the perfect pattern, only problem it needs to have one area changed. How do you do this? Join these master costumers to find out how. Sandy & Pierre Pettinger

Anime Customs Explained (in Room 307 from Saturday 10:00 to Saturday 11:00)
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Youth Oriented Youth Oriented
Format: Panel
Track: Media
Description: Sentences? What about those giant sweat drops? How come Japanese cartoon characters sometimes shrink or turn into cats? Find out the answers at Anime Customs/Symbols Explained. Trevor Hartman, Alan Gutierrez, Catherine Schaff-Stump

The Art of Film Preservation (in Room 306 from Saturday 15:00 to Saturday 16:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Media
Description: Discuss the 16 mm film and preserving this art form. Bo3b Harper

Performance: Flatland Ramblers (in Music Room (302) from Saturday 15:00 to Saturday 16:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: Flatland Ramblers perform instrumental celtic tunes. 5-string banjo, mandolin, cittern, flute, piccolo, pennywhistle, guitar.

Youth Talk with Alan (in Youth Room (322) from Saturday 15:00 to Saturday 16:00)
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Youth Oriented Youth Oriented
Format: Discussion
Track: Art
Description: For Youth Only: Youth talk to our artist Guest of Honor, Alan Gutierrez.

Amalgam Concert (in Grand Ballroom from Saturday 21:30 to Sunday 00:00)
Recommended for new attendees Recommended for new attendees
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Youth Oriented Youth Oriented
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: An amalgam concert featuring Emma Bull, Lojo Russo, Adam Stemple, Lorraine Garland, Trevor Hartman, and Paul Score.

Tarot After Dark (in Board Room (305) from Saturday 23:00 to Sunday 00:00)
Adult Audience Adult Audience
Format: Panel
Track: Art
Description: Tarot has a more erotic side, view many of these decks that revolve around sexual imagery and symbolism. Jeannette Roth

Closed for Setup (in Music Room (302) from Saturday 11:30 to Saturday 12:30)
Format: Closed
Track: Music

Webpage Roundtable (in Board Room (305) from Saturday 11:00 to Saturday 12:00)
Format: Workshop
Track: Media
Description: If you have a question about web pages these are the people to ask. From amateur to professional they will find the answers. Mandi Arthur, Nancy Wirsig McClure, Josh More

Performance: Riverfolk (in Music Room (302) from Saturday 14:00 to Saturday 15:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: Riverfolk perform a mix of folk and filk tunes. Guitar, guitar, guitar, and guitar (they have lots of them).

Cartoons and Cereal (in Board Room (305) from Saturday 08:00 to Saturday 09:00)
Child Oriented Child Oriented
Format: Panel
Track: Literary
Description: Cartoon, cereal and kids. Need I say more? Ann Totusek

Signing by Emma & Will (in Mezzanine from Saturday 14:00 to Saturday 15:00)
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Panel
Track: Literary
Description: Have your Guest of Honor books signed by the authors themselves. Emma Bull, Will Shetterly

Drums: The Culture Connection (in Wedgwood Room from Saturday 15:00 to Saturday 16:00)
Format: Demonstration
Track: Music
Description: Drums are universal but still unique in every culture of the world. Come hear, view and see drums from different cultures as these panelist talk about the Drum Connection. Eric Coleman, Phil Dean, Jon Kerr, Linda Shepley

Kids and Science (in Room 316 from Saturday 14:30 to Saturday 15:00)
Child Oriented Child Oriented
Format: Workshop
Track: Science
Description: What happens when you mix every day kitchen substances, kids and science? Little mad scientists and a whole lot of fun. Mandi Arthur, Inger Myers

Room Closed For Art Auction Setup (in Capital Room from Saturday 17:00 to Saturday 18:30)
Format: Closed
Track: None
Description: Closed for art auction set up

Tech Rehearsal for Masquerade (in Grand Ballroom from Saturday 14:30 to Saturday 17:00)
Format: Closed
Track: Costuming
Description: Participants set up a time to run through their performance.

Reading by Tamara Siler Jones (in Room 307 from Saturday 12:00 to Saturday 13:00)
Format: Reading
Track: Literary
Description: Enjoy an hour with Tamara Siler Jones as she reads from "Ghosts in the Snow" and answers questions. Tamara Siler Jones

Performance: ATROPHY (in Music Room (302) from Saturday 12:30 to Saturday 14:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: ATROPHY performs their original hard rock. Guitars, drums, bass.

Drum Jam (in Wedgwood Room from Sunday 01:30 to Sunday 05:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: Bring your drums and a belly dancer or two for this time of primal beat.

Iowa Fandom (in Grand Ballroom from Saturday 10:00 to Saturday 11:00)
Recommended for new attendees Recommended for new attendees
Format: Discussion
Track: Literary
Description: You are interested in fandom but don't know what group is near you nor what they do. Great way to be introduced to a group. Jeremy Bement, James A. Hoffman, Michele Maakestad, Suzan Leabhart, Susan Stewart, Andy Wheeler

Reading by Emma Bull (in Grand Ballroom from Saturday 13:00 to Saturday 13:30)
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Reading
Track: Literary
Description: Emma Bull blesses us with a reading of one of her works.

Getting Started as a Convention Artist (in Capital Room from Saturday 12:00 to Saturday 13:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Art
Description: You are an amazing artist and want to take that next step but what do you do? Listen to these wonderful artists to learn the ropes. Sara Butcher, Mike Cole, John Garner, Erin McKee

Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere (in Wedgwood Room from Saturday 09:00 to Saturday 10:00)
Child Oriented Child Oriented
Format: Panel
Track: Health
Description: Children come and make all sizes of bubbles with Lynda Sherman.

Skywalker (in Mezzanine from Saturday 09:00 to Saturday 10:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Health
Description: Meet in the Mezzanine to head out to walk the skywalks. Get some morning exercise besides learning a little bit about Des Moines. Rachelle Hrubetz, Les Roth

LARP - Live Action Role Playing (in Room 306 from Saturday 19:00 to Sunday 07:00)
Format: Contest
Track: Gaming
Description: Vampires and other mean nasty things of the night headquarters. Josh Parrish

Storytelling 101 (in Grand Ballroom from Saturday 11:00 to Saturday 12:00)
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Panel
Track: Literary
Description: Learn what makes a story good, starting with the basics. Emma Bull, Will Shetterly

Make Up Workshop/Demo (in Room 316 from Saturday 17:00 to Saturday 18:30)
Format: Workshop
Track: Costuming
Description: Bring your make up supplies and get some helpful hints from Lynda Sherman for this workshop/demo. Masquerade contestants are welcome to come and put on their make up here for the contest.

Life Size Kill Doctor Lucky (in Mezzanine from Saturday 15:00 to Saturday 18:00)
Child Oriented Child Oriented
Recommended for new attendees Recommended for new attendees
Youth Oriented Youth Oriented
Format: Contest
Track: Gaming
Description: Become a character and see if you can Kill Doctor Lucky. Bryan Bornmueller

Performance: Knotty Dog (in Music Room (302) from Saturday 16:00 to Saturday 17:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: Knotty Dog perform celtic and folk music. Guitar and harp.

Dr. Who is Back, And It's About Time! (in Room 317 from Saturday 23:00 to Sunday 00:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Media
Description: Doctor Who returns to television next year after a 16-year hiatus. Find out who the new Doctor is, as well as other juicy tidbits of information that will make you eagerly awaiting 2005. Jeremy Bement

Truth or Tale: How to Run a Convention (in Room 317 from Saturday 21:00 to Saturday 22:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Literary
Description: Telling tall tales on the glory of running a science fiction convention. Dina Krause, Charles Piehl, Les Roth, Tadao Tomomatsu

TICC Cast Warm Up (in Wedgwood Room from Saturday 23:30 to Sunday 00:00)
Format: Closed
Track: None
Description: Closed to Public

Humor in Music (in Room 306 from Saturday 13:00 to Saturday 14:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Music
Description: Join in on a fun romp of how humor and songwriting works together. Sandy Andina, Eric Coleman, Lojo Russo

Open Filk (in Room 316 from Sunday 01:30 to Sunday 05:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: This room is open to anyone who wants to filk. Bring your filking books and sing.

Artists, Body Paint and the Winner, Oh My! (in Wedgwood Room from Saturday 16:30 to Saturday 18:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Art
Description: View the artists at work body painting the winner of the Charity Auction. Their final work will be viewed all over the convention that night. Sara Butcher, Mike Cole, Denise & John Garner, Erin McKee

Astronomy (in Room 307 from Saturday 16:00 to Saturday 17:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Science
Description: It's big. It's Huge! And you wil be going on a itsy bitsy tour discussion various recent developments with direct bearing on the SF-nal world. Brian Adams, Lewis Hanlin

Youth DDR Time (in Youth Room (322) from Saturday 21:00 to Saturday 23:00)
Youth Oriented Youth Oriented
Format: Contest
Track: Gaming
Description: Youth Only: Show your dance moves with Dance Dance Revolution. Nikki Harper

Open Filk (in Room 317 from Sunday 01:30 to Sunday 05:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: This room is open to those who just could not get enough on Friday.

Closed for Masquerade Set Up (in Grand Ballroom from Saturday 17:00 to Saturday 19:00)
Format: Closed
Track: Costuming
Description: Closed for set up of Masquerade.

Will Shetterly Reading (in Grand Ballroom from Saturday 13:30 to Saturday 14:00)
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Reading
Track: Literary
Description: Enjoy the wonderful writing and voice of the author Will Shetterly.

Neglected Authors: Recommendations of Older, and/or Lesser-known Authors You Might Want to Look Out for (in Capital Room from Saturday 13:00 to Saturday 14:00)
Recommended for new attendees Recommended for new attendees
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Discussion
Track: Literary
Description: Sure, you know all the famous names. But what about the fine works that never made it big? Here are some suggestions. Rob Chilson, Rusty Hevelin, James A. Hoffman, Dina Krause

Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry (in Room 316 from Saturday 22:00 to Saturday 23:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Literary
Description: Hear some wonderful poetry and maybe read a few of your own. Eric Oppen

So You Want to Learn How to Improv (in Wedgwood Room from Saturday 22:00 to Saturday 23:00)
Format: Discussion
Track: Media
Description: Des Moines members of Third Friday will have all doing activities that will tantalize and just make you have fun. Audience Participation. Sallie Abba, Andy Wheeler

TICC After Dark III-Moulin Smooth (in Grand Ballroom from Sunday 00:30 to Sunday 01:30)
Adult Audience Adult Audience
Format: Performance
Track: None
Description: This adult oriented show is not for the faint in heart. Enjoy a performance that you are not soon to forget. 18 or older to attend.

What Happens After the Story is Written (in Capital Room from Saturday 10:00 to Saturday 11:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Literary
Description: You have the story written, now what? Here is insight on how to getting an agent, publishing contracts and what happens after the sale. Gay Haldeman, Tamara Siler Jones

Dance Dance Revolution Tourney (in Room 317 from Saturday 15:00 to Saturday 17:00)
Format: Contest
Track: Gaming
Description: Show off your dance steps in this competition with your host Megan Harper and technical guru Joe Struss.

How to Enjoy Your First Convention (in Capital Room from Saturday 11:00 to Saturday 12:00)
Recommended for new attendees Recommended for new attendees
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Panel
Track: None
Description: This panel will introduce those that are newcomers to fandom and DMSFS. We'll discuss the don't miss items and answer questions. Gay Haldeman, Rusty Hevelin, Erin McKee, Jeannette Roth

Coffee Talk with Emma and Will (in Room 317 from Saturday 10:30 to Saturday 11:00)
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Discussion
Track: Literary
Description: Second half of this hour combines these authors to discuss their works. (Limited Attendance: Participants must sign up on Friday of the convention at the Volunteer Table.) Emma Bull, Will Shetterly

Coffee Talk with Emma (in Room 316 from Saturday 10:00 to Saturday 10:30)
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Discussion
Track: Literary
Description: Spend a half hour enjoying discussions, coffee and donuts with Emma Bull (Limited Attendance: Participants must sign up on Friday of the convention at the Volunteer Table.) Emma Bull

Masquerade (in Grand Ballroom from Saturday 19:30 to Saturday 21:00)
Child Oriented Child Oriented
Recommended for new attendees Recommended for new attendees
Youth Oriented Youth Oriented
Format: Contest
Track: Costuming
Description: Costumes galore. Host: Dennis Lynch

Pitfalls For The Aspiring Author (in Capital Room from Saturday 21:00 to Saturday 22:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Literary
Description: Get some helpful tips on what not to look for in a publisher. Come learn on what a writer should beware. Mary Wilson

Masquerade Meeting (in Grand Ballroom from Saturday 14:00 to Saturday 14:30)
Format: Discussion
Track: Costuming
Description: Mandatory Meeting for those participating in the masquerade at 7:30 p.m. Saturday Night.

Reading and Music by Adam Stemple & Trevor Hartman (in Room 307 from Saturday 14:00 to Saturday 15:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Literary
Description: Ghost reading from his new novel "Singer of Souls", with voiceover artist Trevor Hartman doing the reading and Adam Stemple providing musical accompaniment. Trevor Hartman, Adam Stemple

Coffee Talk with Will (in Room 317 from Saturday 10:00 to Saturday 10:30)
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Discussion
Track: Literary
Description: Spend a half hour enjoying discussions, coffee and Donuts with Will Shetterly (Limited Attendance: Participants must sign up on Friday of the convention at the Volunteer Table.) Will Shetterly

Writer's Workshop (in Board Room (305) from Saturday 15:00 to Saturday 17:00)
Format: Workshop
Track: Literary
Description: Rob Chilson will be hosting this workshop. You must be pre-registered in this class to attend. Work with professional authors and get feedback on your writings. Rob Chilson

Performance: Mother Beat (in Music Room (302) from Saturday 17:00 to Saturday 18:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: Mother Beat is an all-womyn rhythm circle.

Coffee Talk with Emma and Will (in Room 316 from Saturday 10:30 to Saturday 11:00)
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Discussion
Track: Literary
Description: Second half of this hour combines these authors to discuss their works.(Limited Attendance: Participants must sign up on Friday of the convention at the Volunteer Table.) Emma Bull, Will Shetterly

Copyright 2003 Des Moines Science Fiction Society LTD.
Certain images used with permission of Alan Gutierrez
For more information, email