Grand Ballroom Wedgwood Room Capital Room Board Room (305) Room 307 Room 306 Room 316 Room 317 Music Room (302) Youth Room (322) Mezzanine
16:00 Boffo Sword Fighting 101
17:00 DMSFS 101
Recommended for new attendees
19:00 Opening Ceremonies
Recommended for new attendees Guest of honor present
19:45 TICC: Fnord of the Rings
Recommended for new attendees Guest of honor present
21:00 Japanese TV Shows-What are they thinking?
Kids' Story Time - Howlin' with Howie.
Child Oriented
Filk Friday-Instant Filk V
Filk Friday-Instant Filk V
21:30 Performance: Eric Coleman
22:00 History of DemiCon
Recommended for new attendees Guest of honor present
Paranormal Investigations
There's Something About Tolkien
Revenge of the Quartermaster (Filking)
Revenge of the Quartermaster
22:30 Performance: Sandy Andina
23:00 Dude, Where's My Flying Car?
23:30 Performance: Lojo Russo
00:00 Midnight Movie with Bo3b
Midnight Movies with Bo3b -Swashbuckler
00:30 Open Music Circle
01:00 Filk Friday
Filk Friday

Open Music Circle (in Music Room (302) from Saturday 00:30 to Saturday 04:15)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: Join in our music circle. All musicians of all styles are welcome to join. Pick, pass, or play (list just listen).

Boffo Sword Fighting 101 (in Wedgwood Room from Friday 16:00 to Friday 17:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Media
Description: How to make your own boffo swords and what you do with them once you have. Bo3b Harper, Bill Griffy, Greg Abba, Tadao Tomomatsu

Paranormal Investigations (in Wedgwood Room from Friday 22:00 to Friday 23:00)
Format: Discussion
Track: Science
Description: Ghosts? UFOs? A"paranormal" event is investigated with the help of the audience. See how things that go bump in the night can be explained and learn how to look at paranormal phenomona. Rob Beeston

Japanese TV Shows-What are they thinking? (in Capital Room from Friday 21:00 to Friday 22:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Media
Description: Japanese TV shows are strange, weird and just plain fascinating. Tadao Tomomatsu takes us on a very strange ride.

Revenge of the Quartermaster (Filking) (in Room 316 from Friday 22:00 to Saturday 01:00)
Format: Contest
Track: Music
Description: Put on your cape and tights and join the League of Unextraordinary Gentlemen as they attempt the superhuman (?) feat of singing "The Quartermaster's Hall" for AT LEAST three hours! Stop in and help out the L.U.G.s break a new record. Prizes for the best (or worst) costume. Prizes for creative lyrics and rhymes. You don't need to know the song prior to this event. Trust me, you'll know it in a couple of minutes. Dan Gardner, Robert Uy

History of DemiCon (in Grand Ballroom from Friday 22:00 to Saturday 00:00)
Recommended for new attendees Recommended for new attendees
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Panel
Track: Media
Description: Learn about DemiCon, see slides, remember friends and hear stories of this wondrous convention's last 15 years. Mandi Arthur, Rusty Hevelin, Martin McClure, Les Roth

Filk Friday (in Room 317 from Saturday 01:00 to Saturday 06:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: Sing into the early hours of the morning.

Dude, Where's My Flying Car? (in Capital Room from Friday 23:00 to Saturday 00:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Science
Description: Since it's definitely the 21st century, shouldn't we have robot maids and flying cars?   What else are we missing? This year we will make a list of things we were "promised" by science fiction and next year we get a report on where they are. Mark Hagerman, Peggy Miller, Dave Reed

TICC: Fnord of the Rings (in Grand Ballroom from Friday 19:45 to Friday 21:00)
Recommended for new attendees Recommended for new attendees
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Performance
Track: Literary
Description: TICC takes on the entire "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, utilitzing assorted directors. Mayhem will ensue.

Filk Friday (in Room 316 from Saturday 01:00 to Saturday 06:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: Filking into the early hours of the morning.

There's Something About Tolkien (in Capital Room from Friday 22:00 to Friday 23:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Literary
Description: DAGOBAH's Panel about Tolkien and his works. Maureen Adkins, Niki Adkins, James A. Hoffman, Suzan Leabhart, Stephen Morford, Michele Donner Ramsey, Margaret Jane Scott

Kids' Story Time - Howlin' with Howie. (in Board Room (305) from Friday 21:00 to Friday 22:00)
Child Oriented Child Oriented
Format: Reading
Track: Literary
Description: Hey, kids -- put on your jammies and come listen as we delve into Howie the Dachsund's 'Tales from the House of Bunnicula.' You'll tremble... with laughter! Jeannette Roth

Revenge of the Quartermaster (in Room 317 from Friday 22:00 to Saturday 01:00)
Format: Contest
Track: Music
Description: Put on your cape and tights and join the League of Unextraordinary Gentlemen as they attempt the superhuman (?) feat of singing "The Quartermaster's Hall" for AT LEAST three hours! Stop in and help out the L.U.G.s break a new record. Prizes for the best (or worst) costume. Prizes for creative lyrics and rhymes. You don't need to know the song prior to this event. Trust me, you'll know it in a couple of minutes. Dan Gardner, Robert Uy

Filk Friday-Instant Filk V (in Room 317 from Friday 21:00 to Friday 22:00)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: Rooms 317 & 316 Combined Instant Filk. Robert Uy

DMSFS 101 (in Capital Room from Friday 17:00 to Friday 17:30)
Recommended for new attendees Recommended for new attendees
Format: Discussion
Track: Media
Description: Hear the latest about the Des Moines Science Ficton Society and what is in the works. Sallie Abba, Josh More, Susan Stewart, Rick Lancaster

Performance: Eric Coleman (in Music Room (302) from Friday 21:30 to Friday 22:30)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: Eric Coleman plays his own original rock music. Acoustic and electric guitar.

Midnight Movies with Bo3b -Swashbuckler (in Room 306 from Saturday 00:00 to Saturday 02:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Media
Description: Enjoy this an old 16 mm movie with the works of popcorn and pop. Bo3b Harper

Performance: Sandy Andina (in Music Room (302) from Friday 22:30 to Friday 23:30)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: Sandy Andina plays her own original folk music. Acoustic guitar and dulcimer.

Opening Ceremonies (in Grand Ballroom from Friday 19:00 to Friday 19:45)
Recommended for new attendees Recommended for new attendees
Guest of honor present Guest of honor present
Format: Performance
Track: None
Description: Welcome to DemiCon 15 and introduction of the guests plus something extra special.

Filk Friday-Instant Filk V (in Room 316 from Friday 21:00 to Friday 22:00)
Format: Discussion
Track: Music
Description: Bring your rhyming dictionaries and twisted imagination and we will write a filk/parody song in less than an hour. This year's insty filk will have a "Matrix" theme. Robert Uy

Performance: Lojo Russo (in Music Room (302) from Friday 23:30 to Saturday 00:30)
Format: Performance
Track: Music
Description: Lojo Russo plays her own original folk and rock music. Acoustic and electric guitar.

Midnight Movie with Bo3b (in Room 307 from Saturday 00:00 to Saturday 02:00)
Format: Panel
Track: Media
Description: Enjoy this an old 16 mm movie with the works of popcorn and pop. Bo3b Harper

Copyright 2003 Des Moines Science Fiction Society LTD.
Certain images used with permission of Alan Gutierrez
For more information, email