Cool prizes will be handed out to all volunteers, and the more time you put in the cooler the stuff!
Here is a sneak peak at the Demicon 21 t-shirt featuring artwork by Don Maitz!
If you pre-ordered, the shirt will be waiting for you at the DMSFS table in Registration at the convention. If you didn't pre-order, look at the same table for your chance to buy!
Demicon 21 Pocket Program
The pocket program is up for your reading pleasure! Click here to see! It includes a map of the hotel and a slightly out of date program schedule! LOL!
Latest DemiCon Updates 
- 2010.05.07 - Cool prizes for the hall costume contest!
We be sayin' that th' contest this year be havin' some grand, glorious booty for those lucky o' ye who take our fancy, and here it be!
So if ye have been quibblin' o'er whether or not t' enter this event, we be danglin' th' booty before yer nose t' entice ye further!
- 2010.05.07 - Volunteer prizes will be super cool!
I'm not saying that we're trying to bribe people into volunteering. Well, I'm not SAYING it... but we have some pretty nifty stuff for people who put in some hours!
- 2010.05.07 - Pre-registration is closed, see you at the door!
- 2010.04.16 - The pre-registration price has gone up to the at the door rate of $55.
You can still pre-register but the rate is now $55 for adults, $20 for children ages 5 to 12.
- 2010.04.14 - Am I pre-registered? Find out on-line
A list of pre-registered members is available on the Registration page. This will only include members who have not indicated that they want their information kept private. If you do you not see your name on the list and you think you registered, it's probably because you checked a box on your form to keep your information private. Email our Registration head to find out for sure.
- 2010.04.12 - View the most up-to-date programming grid
The most current programming grid is ready for viewing on the Programming page. click here to see the grid, and you can print it from your browser. Keep in mind that this is subject to change!
- 2010.04.09 - Volunteer sign-up is available!
You can sign up for volunteer hours on-line. Go to the Volunteers pages for more information, or click here to see the sign-up sheets.
- 2010.04.08 - Masquerade pages are ready
Forms, rules, and information for the masquerade are up and ready for download on the Masquerade page.
- 2010.03.30 - 4th DemiCon podcast now available!
The third
DemiCon 21 podcast
is now available. Author Guest of Honor Karl Schroeder
Karl Schroeder’s First Novel, Ventus, in downloadable format.
Give it a listen and
be sure to subscribe
so that iTunes will pick up future installments for you as they are released.
- 2010.03.30 - LARP info added to gaming page
Information about the LARP to be held at DemiCon, "Pirates of Providence"
has been posted on the gaming page.
- 2010.03.30 - Restaurant info added to hotel page
A list of nearby restaurants has been added to the
hotel information.
- 2010.03.30 - New guest added to the Other Guests page
A new guest, Adam Stemple, has been added to our Other Guests page.
- 2010.03.21 - Dealer's room tables SOLD OUT
We just sold out of dealer's room tables.
Our dealer's room space is a bit smaller
at the new hotel, so if you didn't get tables this year, please
try again next year!
- 2010.03.20 - Pre-registration cut-off is April 15th.
No further pre-registrations will be accepted after April 15th; to attend
you will have to register at the convention.
- 2010.03.20 - Several more guests confirmed
Several more guest author and artists have been confirmed, read more about it on our
Other Guests page.
- 2010.03.20 - Official Dealer's list posted
Want to get some loot? We've posted a list of the dealer's already
confirmed to be attending DemiCon 21. See our dealer's room page
for the list and check back for updates from time to time.
- 2010.03.20 - Dealer's room tables running low
If you haven't registered for dealer's room table(s) yet, you'll need to do so soon.
We're running low on tables and are already out of wall space. Our dealer's room is
a bit smaller in the new hotel, so don't delay. See our dealer's page
for details.
- 2010.03.08 - Additional guests confirmed
We have additional confirmed guest author and artists, read more about it on our
Other Guests page.
- 2010.03.01 - Fhannish Film Festival Details announced
The details of the DemiCon 21 Fhannish Film Festival have been announced.
Ladies and Gentlemen, start your cameras (or video editing software)!
- 2010.01.13 - Third DemiCon 21 podcast now available
The third
DemiCon 21 podcast
is now available.
Demicon 21's podcast - Episode 3.
Music from Toyboat. You can find more info on the band at their website:
Leslie Fish’s web site is
Give it a listen and
be sure to subscribe
so that iTunes will pick up future installments for you as they are released.
- 2009.09.30 - Second DemiCon 21 podcast now available
The second
DemiCon 21 podcast
is now available.
Demicon 21's podcast - Episode 2. Music from Orkes and Trolles. You can find more music from
Orckes & Trolles at
Give it a listen and
be sure to subscribe
so that iTunes will pick up future installments for you as they are released.
- 2009.08.18 - First DemiCon 21 podcast now available
The first
DemiCon 21 podcast
is now available. Produced by our own Dave Reed, it contains
highlights of DemiCons past and news of DemiCon 21.
Give it a listen and
be sure to subscribe
so that iTunes will pick up future installments for you as they are released.
- 2009.08.14 - DemiCon Animated Music video from Animé Iowa
The DemiCon Advertising and Marketing Department – D.A.M.D. – has created and executed a 2.5 minute
commercial for DemiCon 21 using clips from anime along with a few selected DemiCon pictures.
We are pretty pleased with how the commercial has turned out.
It was first shown at Animé Iowa and is now
available for everyone's viewing pleasure on YouTube.
- Older news items...